This Week’s Hot Tenders: Software Development & Support

Earlier this week, we unveiled the Top 10 leading suppliers in the ‘Software Applications, Development & Support’ category.

To follow up, we’ve handpicked our Top 5 live tenders in the category, found using our free tender alert service, Tendalert.

These opportunities are not to be missed – let’s dive in!


1. Kent County Council


Organisation Kent County Council
Market ICT & BPO
Category Software Applications, Development & Support
Description Y23065 Software Products and Associated Services
Start Date 17/08/2023
End Date 27/10/2023
Estimated Min Value (£) £800,000,000
Estimated Max Value (£) £800,000,000
Source Find a Tender
Procurement Stage Opportunity
Industry/CPV Code 48422000 (Software package suites)


About the Opportunity

The Framework Agreement covers the provision of a full range of software (including open source software), essential hardware and associated services and support and maintenance for cloud based, on premise and hybrid software solutions Indicative software requirements include, but are not limited to, the following application and system software categories:

•Accounting systems •Bespoke software solutions •Commercial of the Shelf (COTS) software •Enterprise Software and business applications such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), data analysis, business intelligence, database tools, inventory systems •Human Resources (HR) and payroll systems •Microsoft products •Operating systems •Recovery and data back-up software •School Information Management systems •Security software such as adware and malware, antivirus, encryption, firewall •Virtualisation •Workflow management systems and software


Procurement Timeline


2. Scottish Government


Organisation Scottish Government
Market ICT & BPO
Category Software Applications, Development & Support
Start Date 23/08/2023
End Date 25/09/2023
Estimated Min Value (£) £3,500,000
Estimated Max Value (£) £3,500,000
Source Find a Tender
Procurement Stage Opportunity
Industry/CPV Code 72225000 (System quality assurance assessment and review services)


About the Opportunity

The Purchaser requires the provision of Quality Assurance and Audit (QAA) services under this Contract to support delivery of the Heat in Buildings new national scheme. The purpose of this service is to give the Purchaser confidence that the services provided, and the installation of measures undertaken by the Managing Agent of the Heat in Buildings National Scheme, are compliant to the contract.

The new National Scheme, which is the successor to Warmer Homes Scotland concerns the installation of insulation, heating, and micro-generation measures in the homes of households, across Scotland, who met the eligibility criteria set out by the Purchaser, designed to target support at those in, or at risk of being in, fuel poverty.

The Scottish Government will have in place a contract with a single Managing Agent who is responsible for managing the end-to-end customer journey. This includes assessing the household’s eligibility, identifying the Measures which are suitable for the dwelling through a PAS 2035 retrofit assessment process, carrying out a technical assessment, installing the measures, arranging a Post-Installation inspection, arranging billing of the Scottish Government (as Purchaser) and the customer, as appropriate, and following up with a service visit later.


Procurement Timeline


3. Environment Agency


Organisation Environment Agency
Market ICT & BPO
Category Software Applications, Development & Support
Description Reservoir Act Compliance Enforcement application (RACE2)
Start Date 17/08/2023
End Date 19/09/2023
Estimated Min Value (£) £1,500,000
Estimated Max Value (£) £2,500,000
Source Contracts Finder
Procurement Stage Opportunity
Industry/CPV Code 48311100 (Document management system)


About the Opportunity

The Environment Agency are looking to select a new, single vendor that can offer cloud hosting of the existing, OpenText Documentum-based Reservoir Act Compliance Enforcement platform as well as provide support and maintenance services plus additional professional services as and when needed to support future change projects. The RACE application is a business-critical system used by the National Reservoir Safety Team to support the compliance and enforcement activities mandated under the Reservoirs Safety Act (1975) and the Flood and Water Management Act (2010).

Currently there are approximately ten users in the National Reservoir Safety Team across England who are responsible for managing the relationship with engineers and reservoir owners, ensuring compliance and where appropriate undertaking enforcement action. The Government commissioned the Balmforth review into the incident at Toddbrook reservoir in 2019. This has made a number of recommendations which will change the way the Reservoir Safety team works. The software the team uses will need to be updated in order to support the potential new ways of working. Data records and documentation stored within the system are marked OFFICIAL and a handling caveat of SENSITIVE for a small subset of information marked OFFICIAL that requires special handling by staff (such as Reservoir Risk Flood Maps).

Following an options assessment, the decision has been made to continue operating the existing solution, which is delivered using OpenText’s Documentum Content Management Platform. It will continue to be used by the Reservoir Safety and Enforcement Teams. From a support and maintenance perspective, any new vendor of these services will be provided with documentation to describe the functionality and operation of RACE. It is expected that handover materials will be created to support any transition from the current provider to the new, including facilitation of training sessions as required. A handover period will be agreed between all three parties to transition services and is likely to be 4 – 6 months in duration, which has been confirmed by colleagues in Digital Data and Technology Services (DDTS).


Procurement Timeline


4. Cambridgeshire County Council


Organisation Cambridgeshire County Council
Market ICT & BPO
Category Software Applications, Development & Support
Description Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council Education Management System Programme
Start Date 22/08/2023
End Date 19/09/2023
Estimated Min Value (£) £0
Estimated Max Value (£) £2,500,000
Source Contracts Finder
Procurement Stage Opportunity
Industry/CPV Code 48000000 (Software package and information systems)


About the Opportunity

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council wish to procure a commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS), cloud-based, supplier-managed Education Management System. Each Council wishes to have separate instances of the system.

The systems must allow for the capture, end to end processing of and reporting on all relevant data for the full range of education functions, including statutory duties and other management responsibilities. The supplier must offer a full implementation service, to include configuration, data migration, system implementation, integration with related systems, training and any other necessary mobilisation and transition services. The solution must meet all statutory requirements for management and reporting for the education services listed here, and, be capable of capturing all relevant or specified data for the following service areas, to allow end to end processing of, and reporting on cases, entities and data items in their modules.

The end to end must include: appeals, prosecutions and financial management: · Admissions and Admissions Appeals · Alternative education provision · Attendance · Chaperones · Children’s centres · Children in employment · Children in entertainment · Children missing education · Early years and childcare · Early years providers and funding · Education, employment and training · Elective home education · Integrated youth services · Reduced timetables · Safeguarding · School Improvement · SEND and Inclusion · Sensory impairment · Virtual schools · Welfare benefits · Family Information Service · Governors · Schools finance.

The contract length will be 5 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years.


Procurement Timeline


5. Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT


Organisation Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT
Market ICT & BPO
Category Software Applications, Development & Support
Description Provision of a SaaS Enterprise Resource Planning Solution
Start Date 16/08/2023
End Date 29/09/2023
Estimated Min Value (£) £2,170,000
Estimated Max Value (£) £2,170,000
Source Find a Tender
Procurement Stage Opportunity
Industry/CPV Code 72212451 (Enterprise resource planning software development services)


About the Opportunity

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GHFT) wishes to procure an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, focusing on finance and procurement in its initial implementation to replace a number of current systems which have come to the end of their lives.

GHFT wishes to obtain a solution which would be optimal for better integration, reducing the number of systems which need to be maintained in future, enabling better transparency and a fully integrated system for budget holders and other users. The new system will initially be used by GHFT, GMS and the Charity.

One of the Trust’s Strategic Objectives is Digital Future – ‘We use our electronic patient record system and other technology to drive safe, reliable and responsive care and link to our partners in the health and social care system to ensure joined-up care’. The solution will therefore have the potential to include partners from One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) during the lifetime of the contract.

The Authority is issuing this invitation to tender via an Open Procedure.


Procurement Timeline


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