Case Study
The Challenge
South Tyneside Council has an annual procurement spend of over £320m. The Council could see its own spend data, but it was challenging to get a holistic picture that could provide the team with intelligence about the overall market, how spend compared with other councils, and supplier vulnerabilities.
The Solution
South Tyneside Council now use Oxygen Insights to provide a comprehensive view of spend data for the Council and other public bodies, including detailed information on suppliers and contracts so the Council can better understand the overall market.
Having access to readily available data to inform decision making has proved valuable in improving supplier relationships, reducing risk, saving valuable time, and bolstering collaboration.
Peter Lawton, Procurement Lead at South Tyneside, explains how Insights Pre-Procurement and Spend help the Council to refine their strategies and approaches to procurement, so that they can optimise service delivery and create better value for residents and the community.
Financial technology delivering social value. Oxygen specialise in early payment, the procurement process and public sector insight.