Oxygen Finance

How Getting Upstream with Capture Management Can Help You Win More Bids

With the introduction of the new Procurement Act, the rules of engagement for winning work in the UK public sector are shifting. This means it is no longer enough to simply rely on reacting to tenders as they appear. To thrive in this new environment, businesses need to adopt a proactive, strategic approach.

Hot on the heels of his webinar on Capture Management (available to view here), Growth Ignition’s Jeremy Brim explains how work-winning teams are using Capture Management to transform their win rates and create stronger, more profitable relationships.


As the owner of a bidding consultancy, I am constantly speaking with work-winning teams about their most pressing problems, and the #1 question they have is ‘how can we consistently win new business?’

The answer lies in a strategic approach to securing and influencing business opportunities – Capture Management.

For many businesses, Capture Management seems like a mysterious, complex process reserved for large corporations bidding on government contracts. But let me assure you, it is far more accessible than you might think, and its potential to drive business growth is substantial, regardless of your industry or size.


What exactly is Capture Management?

“Capture Management involves a series of deliberate actions aimed at influencing the prospect’s decision-making process long before a formal tender is issued.”

Put simply, Capture Management is a strategic, proactive approach to winning business. It’s about moving beyond simply responding to RFPs and tenders and instead, actively shaping the opportunity in your favour.

Imagine influencing a prospect’s thinking before they even announce a tender, understanding their needs deeply, and demonstrating how your solution seamlessly integrates with their vision. This is the power of Capture Management: building a relationship, understanding the problem, and co-creating the solution alongside your prospect organisation.


How does Capture Management help businesses win work?

Here is the key: It is about creating a competitive edge. By engaging with prospects early and demonstrating a genuine understanding of their needs, you are building trust and establishing yourself as a valuable partner. This sets you apart from the competition who are simply waiting to respond to a tender, often with limited time to tailor their offering.


Capture Management is more than just live tenders.

While responding to live tenders can be a part of Capture Management, it is only a small piece of the puzzle. The real power lies in the proactive stage, where you cultivate relationships, anticipate needs, and co-create solutions with your key prospects.

This long-term approach fosters trust, builds advocacy for your solution within the target organisation, and positions you as the ideal partner when the opportunity arises.

So, you’re probably thinking, “This sounds great, but how do I actually make it happen?” Well, let me break it down for you.


Elements of a Winning Capture Management Strategy

First things first, you need to know who your dream clients are. Do your research, figure out which public sector organisations align with your strengths and goals. Tools like Oxygen Insights can give you the inside scoop on who’s spending what and with who – even give you early warning of upcoming tenders. Use this intel to make smart decisions about where to focus your efforts.

Next up, you’ve got to craft a value proposition that’ll knock their socks off. What makes you stand out from the crowd? How can you solve their specific problems in a way no one else can? Nail this, and you’re already ahead of the game.

Now, it’s time to start building those relationships. Get out there and talk to the targets you have identified in your research. Show them you’re not just another faceless company, but a partner who genuinely understands their challenges.

But don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Create content that showcases your expertise – case studies, white papers, presentations. This is your chance to build trust and show them what you’re really made of.

And when it comes time to propose a solution? Make sure it’s tailored to their exact needs. If you are able to help them shape their requirements ahead of tender than you can develop a response that adds real value.

Of course, none of this happens without a team that’s trained and ready to seize these opportunities. Invest in your people, equip them with the skills they need to excel at Capture Management (did I mention I run training too?).

Don’t forget to leverage technology. CRM systems, procurement intelligence tools – these can all help you track opportunities and make data-driven decisions.

Finally, keep your finger on the pulse. Monitor how your new approach is working, gather feedback, and be ready to adapt as needed.


So, what’s in it for you? Well, how about enhanced win rates, better margins, and lasting client relationships built on trust and mutual value? Not to mention a serious competitive edge (given the shaky economic outlook) in the relative safe haven of public sector contracts.


Capture Management isn’t just for the big players, it’s a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. It’s about being proactive, shaping your own destiny, and becoming the partner your clients can’t imagine succeeding without. For more on Capture Management you could look at resources like the ‘Shipley Capture Guide’, my own free capture workbook template, or join me for some in-depth training, remember – the most important thing is to take action.

So, whether you’re a small start-up or a mid-sized maverick, Capture Management could be the secret sauce your business needs. It’s time to step up, get upstream of opportunities, and show those target prospects what you’re really made of.

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