Oxygen Finance

Oxygen Finance Team Completes Epic 100km ‘Tour de Oxygen’ Charity Bike Ride

On 26th June 2024, a determined team of seven riders from Oxygen Finance successfully completed the ‘Tour de Oxygen’, an ambitious 100 km charity bike ride from Birmingham Children’s Hospital to Cheshire. 

The epic ride was undertaken with the mission of supporting the vital work of Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. Riders included Oxygen’s CTO and CFO, Rob Parker and Andrew Price, plus Achilleas Kouventaras, Absar Syed, Alistdair Smith, Matthew Walton and Chris Williamson. 


Our cyclists at Birmingham Children's Hospital just before setting off on their 100km journey.
Our cyclists at Birmingham Children’s Hospital just before setting off on their 100km journey.


The team set off in the early morning hours from Birmingham Children’s Hospital, about to curse picking one of the hottest days of the year for their ride! The route wound through picturesque countryside and charming villages as the riders pushed through each challenging kilometre; Alistdair recalls, “Our journey through Cannock Chase was particularly memorable – filled with gravel tracks, steep hills, rocky roads, and sand – thanks to Rob’s adventurous route planning. Despite the challenges, our group stayed together, with the inevitable question of ‘Are there more hills?’ popping up every 15 minutes during the gruelling 7-hour ride.” 


Team Oxygen burning up the road on their journey to Cheshire.
Team Oxygen burning up the road on their journey to Cheshire.


Rest stops along the way provided an opportunity to refuel and recharge before getting back in the saddle. One standout moment was when a stranger helped the team refill their water bottles at his house and shared that coincidentally he and his wife were nurses on children’s wards at a local hospital.  

As the team cycled through the final stretches, the vital cause they were riding for provided the motivation to push past the fatigue and heat of the June day. As Absar describes, “During my ride, I faced moments of exhaustion and doubt, thinking I’d never do it again. But each struggle I encountered is nothing compared to the battles these brave children face daily. Their courage inspired me to keep going, knowing that my efforts could make a difference in their lives.” 


Our cyclists take in the sights during their journey.
Our cyclists take in the sights during their journey.


The highs and lows of the ride – including a dropped water bottle during a high-speed descent, a lost pump, Andrew’s close encounter with a dog, and Absar’s declaration of “I’m putting my bike in the raffle!” – all culminated in a memorable experience for the riders, made more special by being shared with colleagues. Reflecting on the ride, Chris says that “it was a great opportunity to not only raise money for a fantastic local charity, but to also get to know some of the newer members of the team.” For Achilleas, “putting in the effort alongside colleagues for such a wonderful cause was incredibly rewarding, and it was a shared experience we’ll all cherish.” 

After over seven hours in the saddle (and half of the group getting lost in the last stretch to Nantwich during rush hour traffic!), the triumphant team arrived at their final destination in Cheshire, greeted by a team of supporters.  But even more important than the athletic feat was the purpose behind the ride. The team rode not just for the physical challenge, but to support the critical work of Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. The charity is dedicated to providing cutting-edge care, innovative treatments, and a nurturing environment to some of the UK’s sickest children. 


Our heroes enjoying a well-deserved drink on their arrival in Nantwich.
Our heroes enjoying a well-deserved drink on their arrival in Nantwich.


Thanks to the generous donations of supporters, the Tour de Oxygen has raised over £2,200 so far for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. These funds will help the charity continue their life-changing mission, expressed on their LinkedIn feed: “We’d like to say a huge well done to the incredible team from Oxygen Finance for completing their ‘Tour de Oxygen’ bike ride for our Children’s Hospital Charity. Your effort, determination and fantastic fundraising will help us do more for the sick kids in our care. Thank you for your amazing support. 

As a company, we couldn’t be prouder of our valiant riders and the incredible effort they’ve put in to support such an important cause. Thank you to everyone who has supported and cheered them on throughout their journey. 

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