Create your carbon reduction action plan

Instantly understand your Scope 3 carbon emissions by category and supplier with Insights Carbon.

tonnes of Scope 3 CO2e emissions tracked each year
0 m
public sector suppliers' CO2e emissions covered
+ 0
public sector organisations already tracked
+ 0
invoices categorised for the highest accuracy
0 m

Finally, the data you need to create your carbon reduction plan

Insights knows how and where the public sector spends its money.

Now, Insights Carbon can help public sector organisations tackle the climate crisis and meet your net zero commitments by tracking your suppliers’ CO2e emissions affect your carbon footprint.

Rank emissions by category and supplier to focus your action plan

Every successful carbon reduction strategy needs focus.

Evaluate your Scope 3 carbon impact by category, then identify the suppliers emitting the highest Kg/Carbon who will need to play the biggest part in your CO2e reduction planning.

Track the effect of your carbon reduction plan over time

You know that you need to take action, but you don’t know where to start.

Far from simply providing a one-time snapshot, Insights Carbon is updated as your procurement changes, tracking the improvement in your supply chain emissions over time.

Trusted By

See your supply chains' CO2e emissions

Understand the overall carbon impact of your supply chain by market and category, and review alongside your spend.

Seamless integration with your workflow

Fully integrated within Oxygen Insights, Insights Carbon adds CO2e data to the tool your procurement team is already using.

Compare emissions with other public bodies

Insights Carbon draws on data from almost 2m suppliers across 1000+ public sector organisations.

Easily prepare Scope 3 transparency data

Insights Carbon is designed to help you meet your reporting obligations, with exporting to both XLSX and PDF formats.

Get your demonstration and learn how Insights Carbon can help councils meet their net zero carbon commitments.


Libby Daniels - Director of Client Services


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